Ryan Patterson

Managing Director

I started my career in fundraising as a door-to-door fundraiser in January 2010 during 'The Big Freeze'. It was meant to be a short-term thing while I waited for another position to open up in bar management. I quickly fell in love with the job and have never looked back since.

After several years in the field and having personally raised more than £2 million for numerous charities around the world, I decided I wanted to do my own thing. I approached Joe Harrington, who was also on my team at the time, and then we quickly set up SMILE. Five months later, we were knocking on doors, and we haven't looked back since. It's been an amazing journey, and I've loved every second of it.

I like to think of everyone at SMILE as a family; we wouldn't be where we are without them, so thank you to everyone who has helped us get where we are.

Outside of fundraising, my interests are football, spending time with my family, and jumping on a plane to get some sun; there isn't a lot of it up north!

Favourite Quote

“There are 10 types of people in this world. those that understand binary and those that don't.”

Favourite Charity

The National Autistic Society, because my son Kieran, 11, is on the spectrum. So this is a charity that is very close to my heart.

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